Getting started


The core implementation of george is written in C++ so this will need to be compiled to be called from Python. The easiest way for a new user to do this will be by following the directions in the Using conda section below.

Using conda

The easiest way to install george is using conda (via conda-forge) with the following command:

conda install -c conda-forge george

Using pip

George can also be installed using pip:

python -m pip install george

From Source

The source code for george can be downloaded from GitHub by running

git clone --recursive


You’ll need a Python installation and I recommend conda if you don’t already have your own opinions.

After installing Python, the following dependencies are required to build and run george:

  1. NumPy,

  2. SciPy, and

  3. pybind11.

If you’re using conda, you can install all of the dependencies with the following command:

conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy pybind11


After installing the dependencies, you can build george by running:

python -m pip install -e .

in the root directory of the source tree.


To run the unit tests, install pytest and then execute:

python -m pytest -v tests

All of the tests should (of course) pass. If any of the tests don’t pass and if you can’t sort out why, open an issue on GitHub.


Take a look at A gentle introduction to Gaussian Process Regression to get started and then check out the other tutorials for some more advanced usage examples.